Mold Growth Inside Your Furnace

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mold growthAs the temperature starts to drop outside, you’ll begin to use your furnace more.

While metal isn’t the most common place for mold growth, the furnace still lends itself to the right conditions for a mold problem.

Let’s get down to business and go over some information about mold growth inside your furnace.

What Does Mold Growth Require?

Any mold needs a moist surface to grow on, and the heat inside your furnace, combined with leaks, creates the perfect environment for mold to live.

Because it isn’t very selective about what it feeds on, the feeding source of this equation can vary greatly.

The problem with this particular situation, however, is the fact that you probably aren’t investigating the inside of your furnace on a regular basis to ever even know you have a mold problem in the first place.

Signs of Mold Growth

Some of the more obvious signs of mold growth are unsightly stains on your walls or a musty odor permeating through certain rooms, and while those two can be fairly obvious, there are others that are much less noticeable.

If you are allergic to mold, like many people are, you might experience symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, or a scratchy throat. The problem is that those are also very common symptoms of a typical seasonal allergy such as hay fever. This is something our clients often overlook because, if you aren’t well-versed in the world of mold, it probably isn’t something that immediately comes to mind.

You might be thinking, “But if it’s potentially only growing inside my furnace, surely it’s not a big problem, right?”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no, mold can quickly get out of hand. This leads me to our next topic: mold spores.

Mold Spores

Your furnace’s job is to circulate heat throughout your house, but if you have mold inside your furnace, it could be transporting those mold spores to other areas of your home and further perpetuating the problem. This means that, while ground zero might be inside your furnace, it is potentially spreading those mold spores to other areas of your home where they’ll set up shop.

What does this mean for you? It means if you can’t find the source of the mold, it might be time to call the professionals.

Testing for Mold Growth

When you hire a mold removal company, such as Mold Solutions, we’ll test the levels in your house for the presence of mold. We can get a good idea of how severe the problem is by looking at the levels inside your home compared to the levels outside.

From there we’ll search for the root of the problem by using specialized equipment such as moisture meters and certain cameras to reach hard-to-see areas.

It’s pretty standard for us to find mold in furnaces so it will be one of the first places we check.

Discovering mold growth can be scary considering all of the recent time black mold has spent in the media, but its presence in your home doesn’t mean your house is about to be condemned or that you have to pack up your family and move.

That’s where we come in.

The Mold Solutions Team

Our team of certified professionals will work with you to devise a plan to rid your house of mold with as little disruption to your everyday routine as possible.

Our team will go over our mold removal process and help you and your family get back on track to a healthier, mold-free lifestyle in no time.

Contact us today!


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