Insulation and Mold Growth: What’s the Best Choice for Prevention?

All mold growth requires a feeding source and moisture, so wouldn’t the insulation in your home be your best defender against mold spores invading your home? The answer isn’t as black and white as one might expect. Insulation Installation On one hand, the insulation in your home can be your top line of defense against […]
Your 2019 Mold Prevention Resolutions

We’re just days away from 2019 and now is a perfect time to get your mold prevention resolutions in order. Now, if you’ve never had an issue with mold growth in your home you’re probably rolling your eyes and scoffing at the idea of wasting your resolutions on mold prevention but let me take a […]
Mold and Home Insulation: What You Need to Know
Indoor air quality probably isn’t constantly on your mind. That is, unless you’re one of the unfortunate millions who are allergic to mold. If you fall in that category you may notice sneezing, scratchy throat, and headaches just to name a few symptoms. Household mold has been a hot topic in the news lately and […]