Battling Mold on Vents: Effective Solutions and Prevention Tips

Have you ever caught a glimpse of those unsightly black or green specks around your vents and felt a shiver down your spine? Yep, that’s mold making itself at home in places it shouldn’t. Besides being a total eyesore, mold on vents can be a silent threat to your health and comfort. But fear not! […]

Don’t let Mold Haunt your Basement, Crawl Space, or Attic!

Boo! It’s the season of spookiness, with Halloween right around the corner. While we embrace the chills and thrills of this eerie holiday, there’s one thing we definitely don’t want lurking around our homes – mold. Just like ghosts in the night, mold can silently creep into your basement, attic, or crawl space, causing a […]

Attic Mold in Spring — A Common Problem with Solutions

In humid and dark environments, mold can thrive all year long. However, it spreads and grows much more rapidly during spring, especially in attics. If you’re dealing with attic mold this spring season, read on. Here’s what you should know about it. Is It a Serious Issue? Since attics are equally dark and moist, they […]

Why You Should Never See Frost on the Wood Sheathing

Let’s be honest — homeowners have a lot of things to worry about. From basement floods to faulty electrical wires, homes are always in need of something. Yet, there is one more thing that can ruin your beautiful home in no time, and its name is frost. As a result, preventing frost from forming on […]

How Weather Affects Mold Growth

Everyone can agree mold is a huge concern for any homeowner. Not only can it damage your home, but it can also cause a variety of health issues. And while most people believe mold to be a seasonal problem that goes away during winter, the reality is it’s still there. In fact, you would be […]

Roof Ventilation and How it Can Affect Mold Growth

There’s no doubt that attics are one of the most common areas for mold growth in our homes. But why and how do we prevent it? There’s a direct correlation between roof ventilation and mold growth. It’s important to know how your roof is “breathing” so you can avoid any issues with mold down the […]

What Causes Attic Mold & How to Remove It!

Let’s be honest — mold is one of the most inconvenient things a homeowner can experience. Not only can it be damaging to our house, it can also be damaging to our overall health and if left untreated can lead to various health problems. While Mold Remediation Technology and treatment products have come a long […]

Mold vs. Mildew – What’s the Difference?

Mold and mildew are two types of fungi commonly found around the home. Though they may appear similar, it is important to note the differences between the two so you know how to treat and eliminate them. What Is the Difference Between Mold and Mildew? Mold is a type of fungus that penetrates the surface […]

Realtors, Don’t Scare Away Your Buyers With Mold!

There’s no need for this year’s spooky season to be ruined by some mold. With our help, both realtors and buyers will be able to spot mold like pros and know exactly what to do about it. So let’s see what the most common telltale signs are, and why it’s key to get the professionals […]