Mold and Mildew: The Menace of the Bathroom

Mold and mildew can be a menace in your home. If not addressed, they can cause breathing problems, allergies, and headaches, as well as lead to various serious medical issues down the line. These fungi usually breed in bathrooms due to the high humidity and (often) improper ventilation. To prevent them from spreading, you should […]
How to Remove Mold From Your Shower Sealant

Let’s be frank — mold is one of the worst things that you can see in your home. And while mold spores can usually be found all over the house, they mostly thrive in moist environments, like your shower. If ignored, mold can spread quickly, stick to your shower sealant and grow behind it. As […]
Bathroom Fans and Mold — What You Need to Know

Elevated humidity in bathrooms is not a strange occurrence. However, it doesn’t just manifest in a foggy mirror you see after a shower. Excess humidity also creates a perfect environment for the formation of mold, mildew, and bacteria. These problems are much bigger than just fog, and you need to address them quickly to ensure […]
How to Eliminate Kitchen & Bathroom Mold

Mold is a more common problem than most homeowners realize. In addition to being unsightly, having kitchen and bathroom mold can also seriously impact our health. In this case, prevention is our best course of action. But what happens if we don’t take mold seriously? Read more to learn about what mold is, prevention strategies, […]
Removing and Preventing Bathroom Mold
If you’ve ever had the joy of pulling back your shower curtain to see some sort of dark, slimy substance at the bottom of your shower curtain or around your faucet, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. Bathroom mold is a very common problem and it doesn’t mean your house is dirty or completely infested […]
Bathroom Mold: An Action Plan
If there is a common annoyance shared by homeowners around the world, it has to be the appearance of bathroom mold. Nobody wants to go into their bathroom only to discover gross, slimy mold growing on the bottom of their shower, curtain, in the grout of their tile or around their faucets. Unfortunately, it happens […]
Bathroom Mold: An Unwanted Visitor in Your Shower
Hot. Steamy. Fog clouding up the mirror. You might think I’m describing a scene out of Fifty Shades of Grey but nope; plot twist! I’m talking about mold’s favorite place to grow. (Not where you thought I was going, was it?) Bathroom mold is a common problem in homes all across Chicago. It can be […]