Mold Prevention at Home is Completely Doable

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Mold Prevention at HomeMold prevention at home is completely doable if there aren’t any signs of it right now.

If you suspect you may have a mold problem, you need a proven and effective solution to rid your home of it.

Mold contamination should be treated as soon as you discover it in your home.  Today, improved technology allows us to test your home, offer removal solutions, and rid your home of mold quickly and effectively.

Getting rid of mold for good can be easy to do yourself if contamination is localized. But a better, more effective mold removal solution is to have your home inspected and tested by professionals.

Mold is a serious problem. It can ruin your property and endanger the lives of your family, pets, and plants.

Imagine the consequences of allowing mold to grow and spread, taking over your home, or even worse, controlling your life.

We have better and safer options for treating and protecting your home from mold.

Common Types of Molds Found in the Home

Mold comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It helps if you know how to identify these in your home once they become visible to the eye. And if you know which type of mold is contaminating your home, you can develop a plan to treat and remove these deadly organisms.

  1. Penicillium/Aspergillus. The most common type, with over 200 species. The spores are smaller than 5 microns and are easily inhaled – allowing them to deposit deep in the respiratory tract.  This mold type grows fairly quick, colonizing in 48-72 hours.  The sub-species Aspergillus fumigatus is an aflatoxin and is one of the most potent carcinogens known to man.
  2. Chaetomium. This species is typically found in water-damaged homes and buildings. Its appearance is cottony and changes in color from white to grey to brown and eventually to black over time. It is found in damp spaces and is recognizable by its musty odor. This type of mold may cause skin and nail infections.
  3. Cladosporium.  One of the most common indoor and outdoor molds, Cladosporium is commonly found on living and dead plant material.  Spores are easily dispersed by the wind and are regularly found in the outdoor air.  When carried inside, they only become an issue if they encounter high levels of moisture.  Although not considered pathogenic to humans, they are an allergen and can cause issues for people with prolonged exposure.
  4. Stachybotrys Chartarum. Also called black mold or toxic mold. It has a characteristic color of black with a sooty texture on its external surface. It requires high amounts of water to grow. This toxic mold will be most often found growing on natural building materials such as wood,  cardboard, and paper. This mold is toxic because of its ability to produce mycotoxins which can cause severe health problems such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, and even depression. Stachybotrys mold is also linked to nervous-system related problems in children.

If you have this type of mold contamination in your home, call us for immediate mold remediation of the contaminated areas. Let us help you fix your mold problem quickly and permanently.

Mold Prevention is Completely Doable 

  1. Inspect your attic, basement, and other seldom-used areas of your home. If you have a newly built home, this should not be a problem. But if your home is older and you have stored things for a long time, you should inspect and clean these areas on a regular basis to rid them of excess moisture, dust, small insects, and even mold. This is the only way mold prevention is possible.
  2. Have a good ventilation system built into your home. You may have a good exhaust fan in your kitchen and an exhaust fan in the bathroom, but you also need to make sure the rest of your home is well-ventilated. Having regular air-flow throughout your home will allow for mold prevention. Also, make sure all bathroom ventilation evacuates outside the home and not into the attic space.
  3. Clean and repair gutters and pipes. Clogged gutters and leaky pipes may be causing water damage to the walls of your home. This should be checked on a regular basis and repaired if needed. If walls are moist and the humidity level in your home is high, this may be a sign of water damage, making it harder for mold prevention in your home.
  4. Have a thorough knowledge and awareness of mold and its effect on human health.


It is important to have a clean and safe environment to live in.  Mold-related illness is preventable if you take action to identify and eradicate contamination, or better yet, prevent it from growing in the first place. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of mold allergies and treatment. And call in professionals right away if you suspect your home may be contaminated by mold.

We have the safest and most advanced technology to help you rid your home of mold. Ask for a consultation with our professional staff and learn more about our extensive mold prevention program. Ensure your home is permanently free of mold.  Call us today!


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