Attic Mold in Spring, It’s a Thing!

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Under the right conditions, mold can and will grow all year round. But during the spring, it becomes even more active and grows more rapidly, especially in dark and humid spaces. That’s why attic mold is so widespread, especially when temperatures start rising.

So how can we put an end to this pesky fungus? Can we stop it from coming back around? Well, that’s what we’re about to find out.

How Serious Is Attic Mold?

Before we can learn how to get rid of it, we first have to understand that attic mold is a pretty common occurrence. Since most attics are dark and humid, they’re the perfect environment for the fungus to grow in.

Some people think that because the attic mold is high above them, and not in the rooms where they spend most of their time, it’s harmless. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

While the attic mold is growing, it’s also releasing airborne mold spores. These travel through the air and occupy every room in the house, all the way down to the crawl space. 

Having mold all around our homes isn’t just an eyesore, it’s also extremely dangerous as long exposure to mold can lead to respiratory issues.

What’s more, both people and animals can be allergic to mold and the symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and sneezing. If the problem isn’t taken care of promptly, we can develop asthma or bronchitis because of the mold.

Preventing Attic Mold

Fortunately, there are simple ways to stop attic mold from growing and taking over our homes. The most effective way to keep attic mold at bay is by doing an inspection every few months. We particularly recommend doing so to those who’ve recently experienced snow or rainfall.

To ensure safety while checking the attic and avoid inhaling the spores, we recommend wearing a mask, as well as proper clothes and footwear. 

While we’re up there, we need to be looking for signs of roof leakage by checking for dark spots. Another place where mold likes to grow is on top of the insulation and inside the insulation materials. If there’s any mold on it, there’ll most likely be signs of discoloration.

We also suggest checking every vent in the attic to make sure the airflow isn’t obstructed. If your home doesn’t have any, installing a high-powered vent in the roof could take care of the mold problem.

Preparing for Spring and the Mold Season

As always, preventive measures are more effective than any other mold remedy. Once the mold has taken over, there’s no other option but to contact professionals at Mold Solutions to help. 

Also, not just in the spring, but all year round, it’s important to take care of moisture and humidity levels, especially in bathrooms. As soon as we spot some leakage anywhere around the house, it’s key that we take care of the problem straight away.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, mold in the attic is an all too common problem, especially during the spring. However, by employing a few well-thought-out strategies, we can protect our homes and family members from it.

Even if the worst has happened and attic mold occurred, there’s no reason to worry. We here at Your Mold Solutions will take care of the problem right away.  Click here for your free Attic Mold Removal Estimate Request.


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