Will a Home Inspection Find Mold?

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Selling your home is a big decision. Whether you’ve just outgrown your current house or a new job is taking you to a different area, all of the tasks you need to complete to get your home on the market can be overwhelming.

One thing that never changes is the requirement of a home inspection, which typically usually happens when you have an offer on your house. As a safety measure, a home inspection is done to ensure the buyer is aware of possible problems with the home.

Lately, mold has been a favorite topic in the media. Whether it’s due to homes becoming more energy-efficient or just more extreme weather in your area, mold has been making headlines in a big way. This is why mold growth is one of the main things home inspectors look for when completing an inspection.

Home Inspections and Mold

It’s very common for mold to be growing in a home without the homeowners being aware because it is a sneaky fungus and can manage to grow in the smallest of places. It can grow in cracks in your foundation without you ever knowing it’s there.

In fact, there are plenty of places mold likes to hide. It can grow in the air ducts, inside your drywall, and under your house, and I’m willing to bet those are places you don’t check on a regular basis.

This is where a home inspector comes in.

A home inspector’s job is to go over every square inch of your home and find any potential problems, and this includes mold. They search in all of these areas you haven’t looked and can help identify other areas where leaks might have occurred, or moisture might have collected.

While it might be disappointing to find mold in your home right as you’re getting ready to sell, your realtor or home inspector will most likely have resources available to help you address the problem.

Professional Mold Removal Services

This is where we come in. Mold remediation is our thing. We have a team of certified mold removal specialists who can help devise a plan that works on your timeline and budget to help you get the mold out of your house. Don’t let mold put a damper on your house sale! Contact us today!

Photo by Mari Helin on Unsplash


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