The Clock Is Ticking!

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Too much water in the house always spells trouble — it may ruin your furniture, compromise the construction, and destroy electronics. On top of that, moisture creates a perfect environment for mold growth. And once mold invades your home, the whole process of restoration becomes much harder and pricier.

So how much time do you have to fix water damage before your home turns into a mold paradise? According to some experts, only around 24–48 hours!

What Does Mold Need to Grow?

Unfortunately, mold isn’t particularly picky about its environment. It needs only two things — water and organic matter. When these two are present, mold spores quickly start developing and spreading.

And as it happens, our houses are full of organic matter. Wood, insulation, paper products — all of these are sources of food for mold. Add to that excess water or high humidity, and you get a perfect recipe for mold growth.

Unfortunately, excess water doesn’t mean large puddles — even just a few inches of water or a bit of moisture is enough.

How Fast Does Mold Grow?

As we’ve said before, mold germinates and grows in as little as 2448 hours. You won’t notice it right away though — the spores colonize in 3–12 days and become visible in 18–21 days.

This time frame is approximate — it depends on the type of mold and conditions in your home. While only moisture and organic matter are necessary for its growth, temperature determines how quickly it will spread. The temperature that mold likes best is between 77 and 86 °F.

Once mold lands on some organic surface, it roots into it and begins feeding. Soon after that, it fills the air with spores that spread throughout the building looking for other moist areas to attach to. All of this can happen in just a few hours after mold first finds its foothold.

How to Keep Mold From Growing

Now that you know what causes mold to grow, it’s pretty easy to conclude how to prevent it from spreading. Clearly, you can’t get rid of all organic matter in your home, but you can dry out the wet areas.

The problem is that water is hard to keep track of — it can find its way into all sorts of nooks and crannies. So even if you dry out spills or leaks, you still need to make sure that water doesn’t flow under floor tiles or inside walls cavities. That’s extremely difficult to do, so it’s always best to get professional help.

Drying experts know where to look for hidden moisture and have all the necessary equipment to deal with it. You’ll save both time and effort if you hire them, and on top of that, you’ll be certain that your home is moisture-free.

Final Thoughts

At Mold Solutions, we deal with all mold-related issues — including its prevention. Give us a call if you suspect there is mold in your home, or even if you want to learn how to remove excess water. Don’t waste any time — the clock is ticking!


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