Regular Moisture Checks: Why They're Important

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I feel like we’re in the middle of our 8th winter and warm weather is never going to arrive, but since I know that’s not how things work, I’ve taken my mind off the unseasonably cold weather and started my spring cleaning.

Most people include tasks like washing windows and cleaning out the closets on their spring cleaning checklist, but how many of you add “do a moisture check of the house” to your lists?

It’s ok if absolutely zero of you raised your hand. It’s not a common task to do but if mold is a concern in your home, this one little step is key to mold prevention.

Moisture in Your Home

Moisture can make its way inside your house in a variety of different ways and many of which we aren’t even aware.

There’s your standard areas that collect moisture like your bathrooms, but those are the obvious ones. How else is moisture getting inside your house?

How well is your house insulated? If your home experiences big swings in temperature, this can lead to humidity building up inside your house. When this happens moisture collects and creates a perfect spot for mold to grow. This is common in attics as the temperature can rise to high levels during the day and then drop once the sun goes down.

Basements are a common spot for moisture to collect and many people don’t realize your landscaping can play a part in that. If the landscaping around your house is sloping toward your foundation, any water that collects outside from rain or snow, is going to run toward your house. That moisture can then settle in the tiny cracks and crevices you might have in your foundation.

Solving the Problem with Regular Moisture Checks

Once you’ve determined the possible sources of moisture, you can begin to take the proper steps to stop the problem.

If you find any noticeable cracks in your basement, dry out the areas however you can with fans or soak up the moisture with towels. After the areas are dry, seal them up using a foundation repair professional_ to make sure they’re water resistant.

If you’re dealing with a leak that’s gone unnoticed for an extended period of time, you may consider calling professionals to remove the moisture. A team will come out and use special tools and techniques to get rid of any water in the area.

Remember how I mentioned your landscaping? Take a look at how your landscaping is positioned. This can either be an easy problem to fix or you might consider calling a professional landscaping company. Let them know about your issue and talk over the options you have and what you can work into your budget.

If you’re having issues with moisture in your attic, check for any possible holes. If you find any, repair those. If you aren’t sure or don’t see any look for any signs of critters making themselves at home. This can be signs of food or evidence of a nest somewhere in the attic and if animals are getting inside, so is moisture.

Finally, evaluate the insulation and weather stripping in your home. If insulation is installed incorrectly it can actually promote mold growth. Check your weather stripping to ensure it’s doing its job. Any possible way for moisture to get in the house can cause a problem so you want to correct any areas that could be inviting moisture inside.


Mold prevention is a year round project but if you do regular moisture checks on a regular basis, you’ll have a step up on the issue and less likely to have mold in your home. If you have more questions, contact our team. We have plenty of people who are happy to answer any questions you might have.



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