Mold Removal with Bleach – Not Recommmended

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The topic of mold removal can be overwhelming, especially if you feel like professional remediation services are your only option. Finding mold growth anywhere in your home is alarming, but we actually get many calls from people who are concerned about toxic black mold growing in their bathrooms. Most of the time the mold is found growing around the bathtub, shower or even on the shower curtains and once we ask them some basic questions, we can determine whether or not our services are needed. 

Thankfully, most of the time they’re not.

Mold growth in your shower or on your shower curtain is incredibly common and is an example of when mold remediation can be done on your own.

One of the points we often correct is the type of solution needed to clean the mold away. In today’s article, let’s discuss why using bleach to remove mold is not a good idea.

Mold Removal with Bleach

As a general rule, we don’t recommend using bleach to clean any kind of mold and there are a couple of reasons why.

Bleach is a harsh chemical and if you’re sensitive strong fumes and smells, it can be irritating to your respiratory system. Also, it evaporates very quickly which actually works against it when it comes to removing mold.

To completely eliminate mold growth, you want to make sure that all of the mold spores have been removed. Otherwise, you’re only removing the visible mold and are setting yourself up for its return. Bleach evaporates very quickly and this doesn’t give it enough time to soak into all the mold spores in the area. It will only be a matter of time before you find the mold returning.

Mold Removal Stains

We don’t have anything against mold removal stains and there are some effective ones out there, but why buy something when you can make a solution in your own kitchen that’s just as effective?

Plus, you also run into the same issue as with bleach when it comes to inhaling harsh chemicals into your respiratory system. These can irritate your eyes, nose and throat and if you have asthma, these can sometimes trigger a reaction.

Homemade Mold Removal Solution

All of the mold needs to be removed in order to prevent it from returning and because the evaporation rate of bleach doesn’t allow it to reach all of the spores, we’ve got a simple mixture you can make on your own. In fact, the ingredients you need are probably sitting in your kitchen right now.

You’ll need:

  • Warm water
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda

White vinegar can be used for so many cleaning tasks but it’s also perfect for mold removal. Mix the three items in a clean spray bottle and soak the patches of mold thoroughly. Give the solution time to work its way through all of the mold (ten to fifteen minutes) before using a damp, warm washcloth to wipe the mold away.

If you have some stubborn mold, you might have to repeat the process a few times in order to completely remove it. Once it’s all gone, spray the solution on the clean areas once again and this time, simply let it dry. This will give your mold prevention a little boost and help in deterring mold from returning.

Simple as that!

Professional Mold Remediation

Of course, if you have a job that you feel is too big to tackle on your own, we’re more than happy to help. We can answer any questions you have about mold growth and create a plan that works with your timeline and budget. Your health and safety is our top priority and our team of trained mold removal specialists are ready to get you back on the road to a mold-free home. Contact us today!


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