Household Mold and Your Pets

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pug-690566_960_720We often hear about the dangers of household mold and have talked about it here on this very blog.

The majority of the time, when the dangers of mold are discussed, it’s in regard to the humans living in your household, but what about our furry family members?

I have two snorty little pugs who like to get into anything and everything and it’s important to me to know they’re living in a safe environment. When we had our house sprayed for insects this past summer we packed them up and took them to my parents for the night.

While all of our anti-microbial products are nontoxic and safe for pets, there’s still the initial worry about your pets somehow ingesting mold you’re unaware of in your house.

Ingesting Household Mold

First, I would like to stress that while household mold can cause a variety of health issues, it doesn’t necessarily mean all hope is lost and you need to put your house on the market as soon as possible.

It can, however, be dangerous to your pets should they decide to get really curious and possibly eat the stuff. (This goes the same for humans, but I would like to make the assumption no one out there is licking mold off their walls. Please don’t prove me wrong.)

While I’m not a veterinarian and can’t give medical advice about what to do if your pet eats household mold, I can tell you what to look out for regarding signs and symptoms. I should stress, though, if you suspect your pet has ingested any type of mold, you should call your vet immediately.

Pets who have ingested mold will often show signs of gastrointestinal distress. This can range anywhere between vomiting to loss of appetite. Granted, these aren’t foolproof signs, if you know your pet’s habits, you can get a good idea if something seems off.

Allergic Reactions to Household Mold

Just like humans, animals can have allergic reactions to mold.

The signs are also pretty similar. If your pet begins wheezing or sneezing uncontrollably, has a runny nose or a hacking cough, it’s possible your pet has been exposed to household mold and has an allergy to it.

Some more severe signs can even include bleeding from the mouth or nose if the mold is irritating enough to the animal. Keep an eye out for any changes if your pet becomes ill.

It’s also helpful to keep a timeline of when the symptoms begin. Because allergic reactions are often similar to those of just a regular old cold, it’s a good idea to keep track of how long the animal has the symptoms. If the symptoms don’t seem to be getting better after a few days, it might be possible your animal is allergic to mold.

Tips on Keeping Household Mold Away from Your Pets

Mold is a pretty sturdy fungus and isn’t all that picky on where it chooses to grow. This can include items like where you store your pet’s food or where your pet sleeps.

It’s always best to keep pet food stored in a sealed container in a cold, dry place. Since mold loves to grow in warm, damp and humid places, go the opposite route when you’re looking to store your pet food.

Keep an eye on your pet’s dishes as well. Dog and cat food crumbs can accumulate in the grooves and cracks of plastic dishes, so it’s best to steer clear of those. If you do have any plastic dishes in your house, you might want to toss them to eliminate any extra chances of mold growing. Glass or metal dishes are a much better option.

Also pay attention to your pet’s bed. If it gets damp and it’s made of any fabric containing cellulose, mold can and will grow there given the chance. Wash your pet’s bed on a regular basis to keep the possibility of mold growth to a minimum.

Questions About Mold

If you have more questions about mold in your house, you’ve come to the right place! We’re willing to help you out so feel free to contact us anytime. We have an entire team of certified mold specialists ready to help!


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