Carpet Mold…Did You Know?

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Most people believe that mold usually appears on walls, bathroom tiles, and other hard surfaces. However, it can also easily grow on softer and warmer areas, including carpets. In fact, mold actually thrives in these conditions and is difficult to eliminate once left alone for too long.

Fortunately, you can easily put an end to mold in time if you know a few simple cleaning tricks. Here’s a list that can help you fight this pesky fungal growth.

Common Causes of Mold Growth

Some of the most common causes of carpet mold are high humidity, insufficient cleaning, and low-quality carpet.   

Mold is a fungus that requires warmth, bacteria, and humidity to grow. If you have been experiencing these 3 elements in your home, then it’s likely there will be mold – or symptoms associated with its presence- appearing soon enough! Mold can thrive anywhere where high levels of moisture exist such as bathrooms/kitchens along with carpets close by them.

Insufficient cleaning can allow bacteria and humidity to flourish, which leads directly to the development of fungus. Recent spills or floods also contribute high risk of this type of issue as well. Carpet cleaning should consist of a balance between dry and wet cleaners.

When low-quality materials or improperly installed carpets are exposed to bacteria and humidity, mold can grow. When you install an anti-microbial carpet pad with high-quality carpets, it will be difficult for mold to grow. With the right materials and installation process, this type of product can help prevent your home from being damaged by harmful mold.

How to Spot It: Most Common Signs of Carpet Mold

1.   Odors

As you probably already know, mold emits an earthy and musty odor that is quite easy to recognize in an otherwise clean environment. This scent will be even more noticeable coming from carpet mold, as the carpet allows the mold to breed faster.

2.   Health Problems

Just like any other type of mold, the one that grows on carpets can cause a variety of health problems. These include breathing difficulties, allergies, coughing and sneezing, itchy eyes and skin, and even bronchitis.

So, if you or someone in your family has any of these symptoms and you can’t seem to find the cause — check your carpets ASAP!

3.   Visible Mold Growth

And finally, it goes without saying that you have a mold problem if you notice brown, green, or white growths on your carpet. It is a sign that mold has been breeding there for at least a few weeks, and it should prompt you to take action immediately.

If You Plan to Deal With the Mold Yourself…

In case you are a DIY type of person, you can try and get rid of your carpet mold on your own. Before you begin, make sure that you have protective gloves and a face mask so that the mold can’t get in direct contact with your skin.

In addition, keep all the doors closed and windows open. That way, you’ll achieve good insulation without allowing the mold spores to spread around your home.

For your cleaning solution, mix dishwashing soap and warm water in a bowl. Pour it over the affected area and use a stiff rubbing brush to clean everything. It is also a good idea to use an anti-fungal solution on the floor beneath, especially if the mold is clearly visible.

Finally, use a steam cleaner on both the floor and the carpet. After you’re done, you have to let the carpet dry completely. To do so, you can either leave the windows open overnight or use a dehumidifier. Either way, the carpet has to be 100% dry to ensure the mold doesn’t return.

Call a Professional Mold Remediation Service for Help

If you want to be sure that your carpet mold problem has truly been solved, it is best to get some professional help. At Mold Solutions, we have the experience and equipment necessary to tackle even the most difficult of infestations. We will ensure that your home is safe once more, and that mold is truly a thing of the past.

Give us a call, and let’s put an end to carpet mold together!


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