Common Questions About Mold Removal: Part One

When people contact us about our mold removal services, they usually have a variety of questions. Unless you’re in the mold remediation business like we are, most people don’t think about it until they need us. In fact, I doubt you’re reading this blog post unless you’ve discovered mold growing in your home and are […]

Mold Removal and Mold Remediation: The Lowdown

It’s very common for us to get calls from panicked homeowners because they’ve discovered mold in their homes. With an overload of questions about mold removal and mold remediation, they typically fear the worst. They also believe we’re going to confirm their fears and tell them it’s time to demolish their home and start from […]

DIY Mold Inspection: Spot Checking for Mold

Because mold is such a durable organism, keeping up with regular spot checks and mold inspections around your home is vital. Mold can easily grow and spread before we even know it’s in our house, because it typically grows in areas that aren’t in our regular line of sight. Preventing mold can be tough, but […]

Mold Removal: DIY vs Professional

 Summer is our busy time of year at Mold Solutions. With summer storms and humidity on the rise, it’s not a shock that mold growth is on the rise, as well. It’s certainly not the most glamorous topic, but mold growth is something to keep in the corner of your mind so, if it does […]

Will Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Mold Removal?

When it comes to homeowner’s insurance, most people assume that any damage is covered by insurance. It makes sense. Fires and floods are covered for the most part, and because mold can grow without you knowing of its existence and make your family sick, it’s understandable that most people think mold removal should be covered […]

How Dangerous is Toxic Black Mold?

Recently, black mold has been experiencing some time in the spotlight. The news, social media, and various online articles have been shouting from the rooftops the dangers of toxic black mold. Don’t get me wrong. You don’t want to live in a home with toxic black mold infested in the walls, but how cautious do […]

Spring Cleaning Checklist: The Household Mold Version

It’s been a long, cold winter in our part of the world and I, for one, am more than ready for spring to arrive. However, warmer weather means higher chances of mold growing in or around your home. Here are a few spring cleaning tips to be at the top of your mold prevention game. […]

Mold Growth in Your Ductwork

Sometimes you’ll see images of mold online and probably think to yourself, “How did the owners miss THAT?” or “Why would anyone ever let the issue go that long?” I know I did before I worked in the mold removal industry. The truth is, most of the time mold is really good at hiding and […]

Basement Mold Removal: The Process

Two of mold’s favorite hiding spots are your attic and your basement, and because mold is not picky when it comes to food sources, it sees a virtual buffet practically anywhere it looks. Food isn’t enough for mold to survive. It needs moisture to go along with it so it can grow and ruin lives […]

Household Mold: What Effects Can It Have?

With mold, it isn’t always as simple as “what you see is what you get.” Mold can cause discoloration of your walls, but it’s not always the same color. It can be black, but that doesn’t mean it’s the “toxic black mold” you’ve seen in the news. If you aren’t well-versed on all things mold […]